Nazlı Giriftinoğlu, Mert Kaan Alptekin, Mehmet Sait Aktay.
Animationstill: Nazlı Giriftinoğlu, Mert Kaan Alptekin, Mehmet Sait Aktay.
This open call was actually a journey of discovery for us. The subject of flow was also a subject that integrated with our own perspective on architecture, art and life, as well as allowing for thoughts that we can capture from many different places and that we can imagine things that are not in the foreground in this way, with the dynamics of the flow itself. Our motivation to apply for the open call was spurred by our exploration of the site and beginning to build interactions between the different layers of the field.
We think that existing monumental, deep-rooted, static and controlling narratives and design products create environments that are limited to human focus and that watch, dictate and categorize with the fixed routines that they determine, by carrying concerns about “comfort” and “aesthetics” today. We’re trying to produce alternative architecture-art works that criticize the design approaches that establish them in this way, that organize them according to the interests of the power subject and turn it into a tool that facilitates its control by producing phenomena such as belonging, ownership and identity.
2023 Istanbul (tr), Istanbul Technical University, BA Architecture